I really wanted to read more about the 9/11 conspiracies, but it seems that Farhad Manjoo had alterior motives. Those being to talk about Lou Dobbs for an excruciating amount of words.
In order to be interested in the Lou Dobbs issue, I feel as if one must be already somewhat politically inclined. In comparison to the 9/11 scandal, Lou Dobbs does not stand a chance. This is the case because of the fact that the September 11th terrorist attacks affected the nation, and as a patriotic American citizen, it is almost automatic to be appalled at the proposition that our government could do such. But even with the little evidence that Manjoo draws from his sources, it is far more believable than you first may think.
I also like how Manjoo goes after "selective exposure". This reminds me of the cat in the box conundrum. If a cat is covered by the box, does it still exist. There are a few different possibilities, but you cannot prove with immediate logic that in fact the cat is still beneath the box. Basically, Manjoo is saying that the evidence for anything is so far up in the air with all of our technological advances that it is hard to decipher what is true and what is not, and that sometimes something has to simply be declared "True Enough".
I would like for Manjoo to go deeper back into September 11th, but if he does not, perhaps we can watch some film in class?
The September 11th conspiracy is especially interesting because it relates so closely to us. Though I don't support the conspiracy theories, watching some film in class would be interesting.